how many lengths (of the pool) can you swim 意味

  • (プールの)端から端まで何回泳げますか


        how can you:    どうして~できるのか How can you do that? それってどうやるんですか? How can you say that? どうしてそんなことが言えるの?/何を言ってるんだ。/よくそんなことが言えるな。/そんなこと言っていいの?/何でそんな言い方するんだ。/あなたにそんなことを言う資格があるの? How can you tell? どうして分かるの?/どうやって見分けるの? How
        how can you say that:     Hòw can you sáy that? よく言うね《◆あきれた気持を表わす》.
        how many times are you going to:    何度{なんど}~するつもりか How many times are you going to lie to me? 何度私にうそをついたら気が済むのか。
        how many times you are going to:    《話》
        how far can you go?:    {著作} : どこまで行けるか◆英1980《著》デイヴィッド?ロッジ(David Lodge)
        swim pool:    水泳プール
        how many times did i tell you:    あれだけ言ったのに、再三再四言ったはずだ
        few lengths of the pool:    《a ~》プールを数往復{すう おうふく}すること
        can't swim:    金づちだ
        how many times do i have to tell you ...?:    何度言えば分かるんだ、何回言えば分かるんだ、…って言っただろ
        go to a pool for a swim:    プールへ泳ぎに行く
        swim to the end of a pool:    プールの端まで泳ぐ
        amazed at how many techniques can be used in such a small space:    《be ~》こんな小さい空間{くうかん}にこれほど多くの技術{ぎじゅつ}が使えるのかと驚嘆{きょうたん}する
        how are you:     Hòw áre you? () (1) こんにちは,お元気ですか. (2) ((主に米))初めまして《◆きわめてくだけた場合に用いる. 正式はHow do you do?》. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◇[語法] (1) areに強勢を置くが,today
        how are you?:    how are you? 何方へ どちらへ


  1. "how many guests can the hotel take" 意味
  2. "how many hands are raised in favor of" 意味
  3. "how many hours did you put in at the office today" 意味
  4. "how many hours?" 意味
  5. "how many laps do you intend to do" 意味
  6. "how many letters are there in the word" 意味
  7. "how many letters of the greek alphabet can you write" 意味
  8. "how many marks are allotted for the subject" 意味
  9. "how many members have left the club" 意味
  10. "how many hours?" 意味
  11. "how many laps do you intend to do" 意味
  12. "how many letters are there in the word" 意味
  13. "how many letters of the greek alphabet can you write" 意味

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